Canada Emergency Contacts
Canada Emergency Contacts Page
If you are reading this message, someone you know has added you as an emergency contact. Please read the important message below! We promise, we'll be brief.
Flare creates smart jewelry and accessories that allow users to instantly alert friends, family, and police during an emergency. If the user does not have the 9-1-1 feature enabled and double presses their device, you will receive a text message with their location letting you know they are requesting help. If the user has the Contact 911 feature enabled, trained agents will notify emergency services or 911 responders. If emergency services are notified, you will also be notified via text message and you will receive the user’s live location.
Please save the following number in your phone as "FLARE EMERGENCY" so that you will recognize it in an emergency:
Do NOT call this number unless they contact you. This is an emergency line only.
Pro Tip (iPhone Only): When saving this numbers, please edit the text tone and toggle the emergency bypass so you can hear it even if your phone is on silent.
If you have any questions about this service, please contact us at